Finding Wonder

 Over the past few months, my husband and I have been walking most Saturday mornings after we drop my daughter at work. This has become part of my self care routine and something we both look forward to each week.

It has been the perfect opportunity to connect and check in with my husband. It's also been an amazing opportunity to appreciate the beauty and wonder around us. We are so lucky to have these beautiful beaches within 30 minutes of where we live!

Fog over the bay as we begin our walk.

The fog has lifted as we make our way back.

The ocean soothes my soul.

Something I've also been noticing out in nature, is hearts. Relationships and connection are my reason for teaching and the heart is a great representation of this. I believe it is so important to ensure that every child is valued and respected for who they are and what they bring to the world, right now. Children are capable and confident and have a right to have their voices heard and to develop nurturing relationships with others.

What wonders have you discovered out in nature over the past month?

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